The Ainur, the Holy Ones (singular Ainu, meaning Holy One) were the first and mightiest beings created by Eru Ilúvatar in the depths of time before the beginning of the World. The 'order' of the Valar and Maiar, made before Eä.
They were the primordial spirits, who existed with Ilúvatar, and with him created the world through the Music of the Ainur or the Ainulindalë. After the creation of Arda, many of the Ainur descended into it to guide and order its growth; of these there were fifteen more powerful than the rest. Fourteen of these great Ainur became the Valar, or Powers of Arda. The fifteenth, Melkor, turned aside from that path and became the first Lord of the Dark Powers. The many lesser Ainur that accompanied the Valar into Arda are known as Maiar.
The Valar (singular Vala) are the Powers of Arda who live on the Western continent of Aman, and they were sometimes worshipped as gods.
The Valar were the fourteen (fifteen including Melkor) Ainur who entered Ardaafter its creation to give order to the world and combat the evils of Melkor. They helped to begin the shaping of Arda through the music of Ilúvatar. Each of the Ainur added his or her own part to the music creating the world incarnate. All except Melkor. His vision of what Arda should have been was different than Eru's. This led to the casting out of Melkor and his great rebellion that caused so many of the ills of the world of Arda. The Valar originally dwelt on the hidden Isle of Almaren, but after its destruction, long before the Awakening of the Elves, they moved to Aman and founded Valinor.
The Maiar (singular Maia) were spirits which descended to Arda to help the Valar shape the World. They were supposed to be numerous, yet not many were named. Their chiefs were Eönwë, banner-bearer and herald of Manwë, and Ilmarë, the handmaid of Varda.
Each of the Maiar was associated with one or more particular Vala, and were of similar stock, though less powerful.
He later joined the Dark Forces
1/2 Maia
1/16 Maia
1/4 Maia
1/16 Maia
1/32 Maia
1/32 Maia
1/32 Maia
1/64 Maia
1/8 Maia