Melkor, later named and known as Morgoth, was in his origins the mightiest of all the Ainur and the greatest in knowledge. During the Song of Creation (the Ainulindale) his strange thoughts produced Discord, marring the fabric of reality even before its creation. Through pride, malice and a desire to dominate the wills of others he fell into darkness. He became the first Dark Lord, and was named Morgoth Bauglir by Fëanor after the theft of the Silmarils. Thus he was known in Beleriand and Middle-earth forever after. Not satisfied with themarring he had brought in the Discord, he proceeded to infect Ardawith decay, as well as spreading a purely material empire upon the earth. He corrupted many peoples, among them the Ñoldor of Eldamar, leading to their revolt and The War of the Great Jewels. He then corrupted the hearts of Men with lies and deceitful gifts, until many worshiped him, and all had a seed of darkness within them which he often used. When The Host of Valinor finally defeated him at the end of the War of Wrath, Melkor was chained, and thrust through the Door of Night into the Void.
Yet the Darkness that he had begun in the Ainulindalë continued on through his most devoted lieutenant Sauron, who continued to wage war on the Free Peoples of the world for thousands of years and was not defeated until March 25, 3019 some 6500 years later. Melkor is prophesied to return during the end of days and be finally defeated inDagor Dagorath (Final Battle).Melkor's legacies survived in the fabric of the earth and are seeded in the hearts and minds of men, the inheritors of the world.