Ents, called Onodrim (Tree-host) by the elves, are a very old race that appeared in Middle-earth when the elves did. They were apparently created by Eru Ilúvatar at the behest of Yavanna after she learned of Aulë's children, the Dwarves, knowing that they would want to fell trees. Ents were envisioned as Shepherds of the Huorns, to protect the forests from orcs and other perils. The Elves have tales of teaching the trees and the Ents to talk: although the Ents were sentient beings at the time, they did not know how to speak until the Elves taught them. Treebeard spoke of the Elves "curing the Ents of their dumbness" that it was a great gift that could not be forgotten ("always wanted to talk to everything, the old Elves did").
Through the Ages of the Stars and Sun, the Ents walked the forests, and in time it is said some Ents became more tree-like and the ancient trees became more Ent-like and limb-lithe. Like Ents, they learned the Art of Speech. Whether tree or Ent in the beginning, by the Third Age of the Sun they were a race apart, referred to as Huorns.